weekly misc items: August 31, 2020


  1. Assigning pyspark ArrayType column with null values if there is empty array
df_orders = df_orders.withColumn("refunds", when((size(col("refunds")) == 0), lit(None)).otherwise(col("refunds")))

2. databricks notebook exit

was looking for a way to stop databricks from running additional commands in a notebook after an exception is raised or a condition is met, found:

dbutils.notebook.exit("exiting notebook")

so you can have a try/except like this:

try:    print(4/l)except:    dbutils.notebook.exit("exiting notebook")

the result will be:

3. remove folder from git tracking

git rm -r --cached <path-to-folder>

if you need to add it back, just use git add



diary of a codelovingyogi
diary of a codelovingyogi

Written by diary of a codelovingyogi

quick notes, snippets, bugs, and fixes

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